Summary Through thorough research of the Arlington Dog House website, social media, and it’s current Search Engine Optimization we have compiled a few solutions to increasing the search engine ranking of the site as well as increasing potential conversions of users to actually coming into the business. We accomplished this through researching keywords, an analysis of the sites pages, and looking at areas the business could grow it’s internet presence aside from its website (i.e. social media).
Organic Ranking of Search Results:
Organic ranking of search results is influenced by several factors these include:
Mobile Usability
How long users spend on the site
Site Speed
Site Structure
Fresh Content
Outbound Links
Internal Links
Domain History
All of these factors and many more are part of Google’s search engine algorithm which ultimately decides organic search rankings. Google’s algorithm ranks sites by comparing sites that by their keywords - whichever site is Google’s algorithm deems better will rank higher on organic search results. Essentially organic search results are a competition amongst the sites wanting to rank for specific keywords, the better the site and the more it improves in the several factors relating to organic search results the higher it will be on the search results.
Keywords and Current Ranking
Keyword 1: “Arlington Dog House” Current Rank: #1
Keyword 2: “Dog Day Care Arlington” Current Rank: beyond 10th
Keyword 3: “Arlington Dog Kennel” Current Rank: beyond 10th
Key words were chosen utilizing Semrush. Taking into consideration the average volume of searches for the keyword, relevancy to the keyword, traffic driven to the site, and difficulty to rank (KD) - keywords were selected. Currently Arlington Dog House ranks pretty well in search results. It is very helpful that the name of the dog house is also what people in the surrounding area would search for.

Inbound Links and other SEO recommendations
The client should utilize platforms such as Yelp, Google Reviews, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to drive traffic to their website. Specifically - Yelp, Google Reviews, and Facebook will help the most. Including high quality images as well as encouraging customers to review the business will drive traffic to the site. One competitor is WagTime Doggy Day Care has 33 inbound links to their site. Another competitor is: They have 121 inbound links to their site. Arlington Dog House currently has 54 inbound links. Most of the links however don’t seem to be very valuable in terms of driving traffic to the site. If Arlington Dog House can capitalize on creating pages on various social media sites and establishing their presence their, they are sure to improve the backlinks to their site and rank on the searches.
Read more: What Is Pinging & How To Ping Your Backlinks
Links of websites to increase inbound links include:
Establishing a page and growing presence on these sites will greatly help. Another idea is to find blogs in the area or bloggers/influencers who are interested in reviewing the business. They can also potentially post a link on their websites which will direct traffic to the Arlington Dog House site and increase search engine ranking.

Analysis of Current Web Pages
1. Meta Tags:
<meta type=’description’ content="Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system">
<meta type=’Keywords’ content="Joomla, joomla>
This is the number one issue with the site's crawlability in terms of HTML structure. Search engines use the description tag to index site's content, and it is also displayed right below the site's link when displayed in the results. This site was built with Joomla, and the default description tag was never altered. When Arlington Dog House shows up on Google for example, this is what it looks like:

2. Heading Elements that appear on all pages:
<h3>Our Hours</h3
<h3>Visit our location!</h3>
<h3>Contact Us</h3>
<h1>Need help?</h1>
These tags appear inside the footer section of each page on the website. The problem with having them as headings is the search engine will punish repeated use of headings. Specifically, the use of the H1 "Need help?" is especially bad because the tag should be used once per page, and should be unique. Many pages on the site have no H1 tag except this, which is bad in terms of SEO indexing. The search engine will lower the results of these pages The use of these tags appears to be related to the styling of the page, which is a bad tradeoff. You shouldn't sacrifice the penalty on your search results for styling that can be achieved by a span, or a class on a <p> tag.
3. Home Page:
<h1>Welcome to Arlington Dog House </h1>
<h1>- Top Pick By Daily Herald in 2017 for Best Daycare</h1>
<h2>We know what’s important!</h2>
<h4>So come on by and let’s get acquainted. Your dog, and you, will be real glad you did!</h4>
Again, the repeated use of H1 tags is going to penalize the site for not having a single unique, descriptive heading. Although the review from the Daily Herald is a good selling point, it is not a popular search term. It is an important thing to advertise, but not inside this tag. On the home page, there is three different H1 tags, which is not suggested.
The tags, "We know what's important!" and "So come on by..." are not descriptive of the content that is followed by them. The heading tags should be reflective of the content they are grouped with. Also, the tone is somewhat conflicting, coming off as both friendly and simple, while also trying to come off as a sophisticated.
4. 'First Visit':
<h1>First time here?</h1>
The image on the right is wrapped entirely in an <h1> tag
<h3>All Pups Visiting Arlington Dog House must be:</h3>
<h3>Want to get a jump-start on the paperwork?</h3>
<h4>You can download the necessary forms here:</h4>
<h5>If you have any questions please give us a call at 847.398.WOOF (9663), or email us. We'll get right back to you!</h5>
The H1 tag is so close to being effective. The title of the page on the navigation should reflect the content inside the H1. "First Visit" is much more descriptive than "First time here?" The following image is also wrapped inside of a H1 in the HTML:

It's a great picture, but it shouldn't be inside a heading tag.
The H3 and H4 tags are just too wordy to be effective at conveying the type of quality. The use of 'jump-start,' and 'WOOF' instead of the last four digits of the phone number distance the search engine from being able to index any usefull information.
5. Services - Boarding, Training, Dogspa, Daycare
Services - Boarding
<h2>Boarding requirements</h2>
<h4>Overnight boarding $49
<h4>2018 Premium Dates $58 (3/17-4/1, 5/25-28, 6/29-7/5, 8/31-9/3, 11/21-25, 12/17-1/2)</h4>
Services - Training
<h3>Training classes begin soon!</h3>
Services - Dog Spa
<h1>Dog Spa</h1>
<h3>Spa Prices - We keep it simple and professional!</h3>
Services - Daycare
<h3>Daycare Requirements</h3>
<h1>Daycare Packages</h2>
<h2>Half Day<h2>
<h2>Up to 6 hours!</h2>
<h2>Full day Day<h2>
<h2>6+ hours</h2>
The boarding and Dog Spa pages are good examples of how to use the H1 tag (ignoring the "Need Help" H1 tag at the bottom), especially in contrast to the pricing list on the daycare page. These pages should be condensed into a single page, with services as an H1, and the sections (Boarding, Training, Dog Spa, Daycare) listed inside H2's.
Although important and useful information, these headings are too wordy and specific to be indexed.
2018 Premium Dates $58 (3/17-4/1, 5/25-28, 6/29-7/5, 8/31-9/3, 11/21-25, 12/17-1/2)
Spa Prices - We keep it simple and professional!
They can still be visually represented in the same fashion while not occupying the space inside of heading tags. The way the services and prices are placed inside of their own seperate where the price is inside of the H1 is problematic. This again, is a bad practice and should be avoided. The site will be penalized.
6. About us - Our Team, Our Facility, Blog, FAQ:
<h1>Our Team</h1>
<h1>We are done expanding our Facility and added an additional 2000 sq feet of boarding, daycare, training and group space to accommadate our customers! </h1>
<h2>What does "cage free" mean?</h2>
<h2>What's a Temperament Test and why does my pup have to pass?</h2> <h2>My dog likes to sleep with people at night, not just dogs, do you do that?</h2>
<h2>Do you have a scheduled nap time?</h2>
<h2>Do you require a reservation for daycare or boarding?</h2>
<h2>Do you accept puppies?</h2>
<h2>You say you are an eco-friendly facility, what does that mean?</h2>
This is another case that is similiar to the services page. It should be condensed with the headings made more concise and contain the appropriate terms.
If the blog isn't ready, don't feature it as its own page.
Use one page with an H1 titled About us, and H2's for Staff, Location, and make FAQ its own page/navigation-item.
Make the questions more search friendly, simplify the way they're written.
6. Contact Us:
<h2>Daycare/Boarding Hours</h2>
<h3>We're located at</h3>
<h3>Have A Question Call Us</h3>
<h2>Contact Form</h2>
This page is somewhat better than the others, but is still lacking a unique H1. The tags should be simplified into things like Hours, Location, etc.
Suggestions for boosting traffic
Idea 1: Remove the Joomla information from the meta description tag and put copy that will drive users to click on the website. Currently the information about Joomla makes the site seem less credible and doesn’t provide the user any information about this business. By fixing this the business will rank better and provide a chance to show the users who see the description why they should come to Arlington Dog House v.s. competitors. The setting can be configured in the global configuration inside of Joomla.
Idea 2: Make all the H1 tags unique and reflective of the content of the page.
Idea 3:
Condense pages, remove unfinished pages, promote site through alterior social media / rating site backlinks.
Read more: Monitor Backlinks Tool