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How I searched and found a company that delivers goods from China.


As a business owner, I faced the problem that there are not many transport companies in our country that perform their tasks with dignity. But I will tell you about it in order.

In developing my own business, I set myself the task of finding a reliable supplier of cargo from China. The stage of searching for organizations that provide quality logistics services took a long time. Tried to cooperate with companies that are quite well established in this field: the company PEC, Expert Logistics, Vig Trans, Cargo-Partner.

Worked with some of them for quite a while. The cargo was delivered on time, without delays or damage to the goods. But I didn't stop in search of a transport partner suitable by all criteria. I was not satisfied with some moments from timely processing of applications to receive the cargo at the destination. It seems that at times, when the managers had a high workload, they didn't always react quickly. Our managers had to spend more time on the supplier and not pay enough attention to the customers.

The easy solution to many problems

After a long search for a reliable carrier, I finally found a company that fully meets all my client requirements. I would like to mention Anno Danini, which provides complex delivery services from China. What exactly has attracted this company is the maximum speed and simplicity of the application, its handling and execution.

They have worked on improving the service's usability as much as possible, and it really simplifies the work and reduces the time. The site has a personal account, which is easy to use. Thanks to this, the time to complete all stages of the order is reduced in comparison with other companies.

Submission of the application is fast, easy and conveniently organized into steps.

AnnoDanini differs from the others in that all communication with managers takes place in a private office chat room. Any question I have while submitting an application or waiting for a shipment is processed instantly and you get an answer quickly. I used to face such a problem in other companies when a question I was worried about had to wait for hours for an answer, or my question was completely ignored.

The worst time was when I had to call the number and nobody answered because was busy. In this case, the chat is a great solution, I can be sure that I can easily get an answer or consultation in a really short time.

In the company, the entire document process is automated. If before I had to deal with all the paperwork for a long time, here everything is as fast and convenient as possible. The main thing is that I no longer have to deal with such a problem as losing documents, everything is always in one place.

It's important for me to know where my cargo is at the delivery stage. The site has a tracker, where you can always see where the goods are and how long to wait. Call managers and worry about delivery is not required. All this can be seen for each client.

I was glad to notice the notification system. This way you will not miss important moments at the processing and delivery of goods.

The site has a useful calculator that allows you to calculate the preliminary cost of transportation, to find out the estimated waiting time on-line.

The importance of workflow automation

I was impressed by the simplicity, convenience and speed of order processing. Seeing how this company works, I decided that my business needs to change something too. I am interested in setting up the company's internal processes and in automating work.

It is easy for both employees and customers. Having taken a serious interest in this issue, I found out that the automation of work processes was fully developed by specialists of IT DEV GROUP.

I tried many times to create something similar with the different companies and to automate all processes, but all the time it was not possible to bring to the necessary result. The reasons are different from the developers' company and from our misunderstanding of development processes.

In the near future I will try to interview the owner of the developer company and the owner of the transporter company to understand the peculiarities of interaction between the two companies to achieve the desired result... Automation of processes greatly simplifies the work and reduces the time for processing different data. As a client and as the owner of the company, I am really glad that the business is developing in this direction.

IT DEV GROUP and ANNODANINI - I hope you will not refuse to share your experience.




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